Fabulous quotes to motivate and inspire You

Ancient roman insults

Top 10 Best Insults from Ancient Rome

Cicero, Martial and Horace all knew how to give an insult. [playbuzz-game game=”http://www.playbuzz.com/peterk10/top-10-best-insults-from-ancient-rome” info=”false” recommend=”false” comments=”false”] [google_ad_btf_h][mm_newsletter_box2]

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My dayadreams about being skinny are always interupted by the sound of me chewing cookies

My daydreams about being skinny

[fb_import_img url=”http://www.fabulousquotes.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/fb_import_intg_1403964255_184.jpg” class=”wp-post-image” alt=”My daydreams about being skinny are always interrupted by the sound of me chewing cookies”] [google_ad]

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A Kind Word Never Broke Anyone's Mouth

A Kind Word Never Broke Anyone’s Mouth

[fb_import_img url=”http://www.fabulousquotes.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/fb_import_intg_1403435054_27048.png” class=”wp-post-image” alt=”A Kind Word Never Broke Anyone’s Mouth”] “A Kind Word Never Broke Anyone’s Mouth” – An Irish Proverb

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What will you be today

[fb_import_img url=”http://www.fabulousquotes.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/fb_import_intg_1395917653_9276.jpg” class=”wp-post-image” ] What will you be today?

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