Fabulous quotes to motivate and inspire You


Time flies quote

Time flies

The bad new is: time flies. The good news is you are the pilot.

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Christmas morning stockings funny

Christmas morning and stockings

The one thing women don’t want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband. -Joan Rivers

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Christmas list wisdom

Christmas list

As you grow older, your Christmas list gets smaller. After a while you realize, the things you want for the Holidays, can’t be bought.

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Thy left eye, sees not right

Thy left eye, sees not right. -anthony liccione

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Who is your life partner

Who is your life partner?

Mom? Dad? Wife? Son? Husband? Daughter? Friends? Not at all! Your real-life partner is your body. Once your body stops responding no one is with you. You and your body stay together from birth till […]

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Don’t give up

Don’t make the possible impossible by being impatient.

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Hard work

Hard work gives time to play harder, and smile at ease.

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Brave quote

When I was brave

Looking back, the only thing that ever mattered was when I was brave. R. Queen

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